Monday, February 23, 2009

Jai Ho !

Slumdog Millionaire just won " 8 Oscars ".... as I am writing this ... Awesome ! Milestone achievement for us Indians... The Mozart of  Madras is on a roll. 
Who knew that the squelch and squalor of Mumbai's slums would be heralded on the World's Best Cinema Pedestal. :-). Frankly, I was a little aghast at watching the movie. The Dirt,Slums , Urchins , Begging Cartels, Forcible Blinding disgusted me. I knew all of this existed but seeing it played out on screen , was like a punch in the tummy .
We Indians are such a decadent lot .What we take for granted and as a way of life ... sells so well on celluloid.... its something to ponder on . 
The book itself, Q & A , from which this is adapted failed to enrapture me or most people before the movie. Mediocore piece of writing !... But it took one movie to turn around its fortunes.

Learnings from the movie :
* We do have world class talent, only we need to believe in ourselves. 
* The Universal law of Attraction works here. 
* Lots to improve in our country . Just merely watching the movie and making India's condition  - animated teatime discussion will do zilch for the country , or for us .... Act people ,Act! 
* Last but not the least , common sense and street smartness are notches above mere bookish  knowledge . 

Till then ,
Jai Ho!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Blogging !

I always thought I was a late bloomer . late to walk, late to talk, late to school ... my friends will vouch I am a late lateef ( Ahem .... No comments guys plzzz on this confession) .... the entire junta was up on orkut , facebook and every concievable social networking site and it took me a whole year to get in there.

Ditto here too.... Blogging . Whats the big deal about blogging ? I mean .... What the heck ... its like having an online diary .....Who would want to read stuff about what I feel .....And even if  they did want to .... why take the effort ... ?

My dear friend got me into this .... ( guys I am a three whole years behind ). And i need to admit it i am quite liking it  and am here to stay
